Virtual academy COURSES

Catch up on the ultimate Player Development Programs.

4 Courses designed for players who want to develop their 4 corners, technical, tactical, physical and psychological and take their game and understanding to a new level. 


  • Created by the worlds leading individual technical coach, Saul Isaksson-Hurst

  • Train with a team of top-class youth development coaches 

  • Easy to follow detailed tutorials that break down what it takes to be a top-class player

  • Game realistic practices for all positions

  • Train individually or with a team mate with over 30 practices and drills (each course)

  • Exclusive individual technical sessions from Saul

  • Catch up on Mindset Masterclasses with Steve Sallis, English FA Consultant

  • All sessions are downloadable and available to use offline


Learn how to shoot, defend, duel and more with 8 Mindset Masterclasses from specialist Steve Sallis, Mindset Coach at the English FA. 

Course 2

Master your first touch, dribbling, athletic developments and gain more knowledge of ‘Principles of Play’ and what Pro Academies are looking for in a player.


More technical and classroom sessions delivered by world-class developers, with some extra focus on Ball Striking and Forward Play Receiving.

Course 4

The final Virtual Academy course which will complete the Mindset Masterclasses series and focus on Ball Retention, Player Recovery and Nutrition.

master the ball... master the game...