Master the Ball...Master the Game is dedicated to providing the soccer community with elite soccer training drills and material to make the footballers of tomorrow the best they can be. Our renowned head coach, Saul Isaksson-Hurst, has used his extensive experience, ideas and philosophy to devise elite soccer training products for players, coaches & parents to help develop technical soccer players and maybe become the next soccer star.
The “Dynamic Ball Mastery” is an online soccer training programme that has been proven through hundreds of football players who have raised their game to the next level.
The step by step training course has many soccer training drills and has been meticulously designed to supplement a players normal football training programme and implement Saul’s philosophy to significantly improve a players technical ability and make them a better soccer player.
Choose this individual training program if you are :-
- A player looking to work on my own to take my game to the next level
- A parent who wants to learn and help support their child playing soccer
- A coach who is looking for a technical program for their players to practise outside of their normal training.
- Age appropriate training courses but for all abilities
- Looking for an individual soccer training program with a step by step guide and high quality videos. All the guess work is taken out.
- Sessions which can be practised within 20 minutes
- Learn to play soccer with technical football at the heart
The “Coach’s Pass” is an elite soccer training resource aimed at football coaches and teachers of the beautiful game.
Focusing on technical excellence the Coach’s Pass has over 120 high quality videos featuring elite soccer training drills that cover the technical football spectrum. With new content added monthly and tips and advice from world class coaches, this resource is a must have for soccer coaches.
Choose this elite soccer training resource if you are :
- A coach, parent or player who is looking for a library of elite training videos and material that they can choose and control how to train with.
- Drill down to the specific type of training they require by filtering through categories, positions, practice type and skill level.
- Looking for new training ideas and soccer training drills for themselves or their players.
- Want to construct personalised video collections/sessions plans by picking and choosing the training material which can be used for themselves or their players
- Receive new content monthly from our world class coaches